About Elemental Wealth Management

Elemental Wealth Management is an holistic financial planning company servicing clients throughout Australia.  Our office is located in Beerwah, Queensland and we regularly meet with clients from all areas.  Clients can contact us at any time regarding their investment portfolio or personal insurance needs, and we regularly update them on their progress.

Darren has been working as a Financial Planner since 1999.  Darren & Lesa have been working together in the industry since 2009 and together have created Elemental Wealth Management to embody industry best practice in the design, implementation and management of your financial future.

The Seven Key ‘Elements’ of our Business

You can click to expand each of our Business Elements to see more.

We aim to provide a personalised service for individuals and businesses seeking quality advice with a transparent fee structure. We use an holistic approach to create and manage your wealth and ensure a smooth transition to the next generation.

If everybody has unique needs, why use only one solution? We take the time to construct, manage and tailor-make investment portfolios. Using direct solutions, rather than just a conglomeration of funds, we can match your needs with the prevailing investment and economic climate.

Let’s keep in touch. A five-minute phone call once a fortnight can deliver more value than even the most in-depth review once per year. Needs change, markets change and so too will your plans. We promise to keep in touch and will make sure your financial plan is continually up-to-date in order to meet your needs – whatever the circumstances.

Our business structure allows us to choose investment products that truly suit your needs and financial objectives. We believe that choosing investment products should only be the last step in the advice process.

Like you, we HATE the amount of paperwork an investment plan can create. That’s why we’ve taken the time to ensure the capture, delivery and implementation of financial information uses as few hard copy forms as possible. We also carefully select products that allow us to streamline our reporting to you – minimising the time and effort you need to manage an investment portfolio.

We will uphold the highest ethical standards, ensuring your peace of mind. We use common sense and plain English to cut through the jargon of superannuation and financial products, demystifying the complex areas of investment, financial and retirement planning.

Why Fee for Service?

  • It is ethical
  • It is transparent
  • As a client you know what to expect – a set cost for a set service over a set period of time
  • It puts the focus on STRATEGY, not PRODUCT. The best product is purely a by-product of getting the strategy right
  • The Best Interests Duty (now enshrined in law) compels financial planners to always act only in the best interests of their client
  • It allows us to choose the most suitable from a wide array of products
  • Advice fees may be tax deductible

How We Invest

Our investment philosophy is based on some basic tenements:

Growth investments are important.
Being too conservative can be just as dangerous as being too risky. By dangerous, we mean in terms of not meeting your investment goals: having everything sitting in cash could mean 0% chance of achieving your goals.

We consider your attitude to risk.
Everyone is different, with different goals and attitudes to investment risk. We ensure that you are comfortable with the level of risk undertaken.

We look for investment opportunities in Australia and worldwide.
We analyse investment opportunities from major international share markets.

We use various sources of research.
We consider research from a variety of analysts and economists, from within Australia and overseas.

We invest in direct assets where possible.
This allows us to have transparency with your portfolio and to know specifically where your money is invested. It also allows us to provide greater depth in our reviews and risk planning.

We pro-actively manage your money.
This is an important part of the financial planning process. We don’t simply make adjustments once and then forget about you and your long-term goals. Instead, we regularly review all the stocks and assets you hold and ensure we are up to date with relevant news. If changes need to be made we will not wait until you call our office: we will proactively contact you to discuss any changes that may be necessary. Fast action means greater protection for your wealth and also greater opportunities for growth.

We buy when assets represent good value.
We know that you have a much greater chance of building wealth by selecting and purchasing assets when they are temporarily under-appreciated by the market. For example, think about banking stock during the GFC in 2008: while unappreciated at the time, most of these stocks have double or tripled in price in the past five years. Buying good assets at bad times can be a useful strategy in managing your wealth.

Low transaction fees.
Our focus is on providing advice, not churning your investments for a large commission. In most cases, brokerage is charged as part of an overall investment plan. Why charge an additional 1% or 2% per transaction for a plan that is already decided upon? We have found that these large transaction fees can actually deter people from making necessary changes to their portfolio.
By charging a set fee for ongoing advice, we can avoid large transaction costs and can deliver brokerage rates close to those of the large online brokers. This allows us (and you) to focus on the investment plan and what the optimal portfolio should look like at any given time.

“This is general advice only and does not take into account your financial circumstances, needs and objectives. Before making any decision based on this document, you should assess your own circumstances or seek advice from a financial planner and seek tax advice from a registered tax agent. Information is current at the date of issue and may change.”

Our Team

Darren Eising – Director | Certified Financial Planner

Darren is a Certified Financial Planner® Professional (CFP) (AR No. 259182) who has been working as a Financial Planner since 1999, after completing a Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Finance & Accounting and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment. He is a SelfManaged Super Fund Specialist Adviser (SSA™), Investment Adviser and a registered Tax (Financial) Adviser. Darren co-owned a large stockbroking and financial planning business in Central Queensland, selling his interest in the business at the end of 2013.

Lesa Eising –
Director | Client Services Manager

Lesa has an accumulation of 25 years administration and office managment experience and, in this role, provides administrative support in relation to all facets of stockbroking and financial planning services. Lesa works on the day-to-day administration of clients’ accounts and compliance related matters, focusing on the efficient operation of their clients’ Self Managed Super Funds.

Darren and Lesa have been working together in the industry since 2009 and together, in 2015, created Elemental Wealth Management to embody industry best practice in the design, implementation and management of your financial future.

elemental-wealth-management-logo8 Bridget Court

(07) 5494 0650